The Fullness

“Whoever Believes…” p. 96

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the full knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.” (2 Peter 1:3)

But what if we don’t experience all that God has done for us and supplied to us – let alone understand the “full knowledge of Him?” How can we already have something that seems so utterly beyond us?

But Scripture is clear: We have been brought into the “full knowledge of Him” because we have been brought into the fullness of Him.

God does not do things in small increments. His works are most always on a grand (God-sized!) scale – and He is the ultimate Gift, the work (through Christ) of giving us the Gift of… Himself.

In Him IS the fullness, described as the expression of “His Own glory and excellence.” (2Pt. 1:3) Described in John’s gospel as the fullness “of grace and truth.” (Jn. 1:14) The ability and capability of the character, nature, and wisdom of God – all included in the Gift of salvation… of the Kingdom… and of Himself.

Our task is to grow in what we have been given. Set our hearts and minds on things above, and pursue understanding the fullness of our King. We are already fully His. He is already fully ours. We spend our earthly lives growing in the wonder of this life-altering truth only experienced by “whoever believes.”

This is remarkably different than what we are normally taught. We are taught process – gaining more and more of God as we go through the course of our lives. Mostly, we get “more of God” as a response to our diligent working and proven faithfulness – given as a reward for our persevering work.

But God’s Gift is a gift of fullness. Completeness. Everything He is, given completely from the very moment of a true heart-belief in Him.

What we feel we do not know, or do not understand, is not being withheld until we mature – it is imparted into our Kingdom account with God from the very beginning. Our lives, then, are lived in the pursuit of the discovery, and implementation,of what we already have, because we are the beloved of the King. The really good news is that the Gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit is given to us to guide us into all the truth (of Who He is, and who we are in Him, and of all that we possess in the King’s Kingdom! [See John 16:13!]).

Authentic Christian living is living in, and by, the fullness of what we have received by receiving the Gift of God. Discovering the King, His ways, His thoughts, His will, His character and nature – and the realization that now and forever we are included fully in Him… and His plans and purposes.

All Christians are fully qualified and fully equipped to be able to do what must be done for the King because we have been fully qualified and are fully supplied (both through Christ) with the Gift of God Himself, dwelling within us.

About theheartseeker

I have spent years studying the Scriptures and seeking for God's answer to the question: What IS true Christianity? Let me share some answers with you...
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