The Beatitudes: The Persecuted

“Whoever Believes…” p. 120

In our human nature, we do not relish the possibility of personal opposition. We are not at all comfortable with personal attack or the associated fear and anxiety that comes with being the object of derision and contempt.

Yet Jesus makes it very clear that IF we are who we say we are in Him – there will be opposition and persecution for our act of actively trusting in Him. Why? Because the world, and it’s ways, are in natural opposition to Him – and are threatened by Him and His ways. Jesus said it Himself: If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you as well…” (Jn. 15:20) The reason? Truth always meets resistance from falsehood. Darkness despises the Light. The Kingdom of God is so often incompatible with the kingdoms of men. And man-inspired religion has every reason to oppose a true divinely-focused faith.

Life in Jesus IS life against the flow of this world and its ways (including man-made philosophies and religions). Life in Christ cannot “fly under the radar.” It cannot remain hidden away and ever be effective in doing what it must do in leading people to a real relationship with God, the King. Jesus calls disciples to BE “the Light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.” (Mt. 5:14) We were all meant to be obvious, conspicuous, visible, seen for who we are – it is the only way we can be what we are meant to be.

And the Light will be both inviting and repulsive, depending on the heart that encounters it. But encounters with the Light invariably illicit a strong response.

According to Jesus, that response can be blatant opposition. We should expect it, be prepared for it, and understand that it is a part of being the “blessed” and one of the great affirmations that we are in the Kingdom.

If we are easily accepted by all the people we encounter, then maybe we need to take a closer look into how well we are representing the King (and His Kingdom) with our lives. No one likes (nor prefers) persecution – but it is one of the great confirmations that we are who we say we are… God’s redeemed Kingdom people – representing His Kingdom, His thoughts, His truths. All (and always) in direct contradiction to this world, it’s kingdoms, and it’s ways.

Belonging to Jesus, as His disciple, means that we should expect to be treated as He was. Embraced by many. But vehemently opposed by others.

All this is part of the provision of God in the Gift of the new nature – the new creation in Christ Jesus. By being His, we represent Him – and are equipped to face the same kinds of acceptance and opposition He faced when with us.

About theheartseeker

I have spent years studying the Scriptures and seeking for God's answer to the question: What IS true Christianity? Let me share some answers with you...
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