The Beatitudes: The Hungering and Thirsting

“Whoever Believes…” P. 116


Best exemplified by being famished and parched. Empty… with a pressing and desperate desire to be filled.

Zeal for all things right – and for the Source of all things right.

This is the defining desire and consuming passion of Jesus, while here among us. A zeal not just for what is right, but a hunger and thirst for the Heart behind those right actions.

True righteousness is not just doing what is right, or moral, or religious – true righteousness is the expression of the very Heart of God. It is steeped in God’s manner of love, compassion, mercy, and grace. It is unlimited – expressed openly, abundantly, gratefully.

It is the very food for the heart (Jn. 4:34). The very drink for the soul (Jn. 4:14). The only food or drink which can truly satisfy the human spirit.

Jesus’ life is best described as one lived with consuming passion for God and His purposes. It was intrinsically embedded in His nature – the God-nature.

It is also embedded into the Gift of the new nature – adept at inspiring and leading God’s new creations into the passions and desires of God Himself.

The sad truth of life is that life on this earth seeks to drub the passion right out of us. Life tends to wear us down. Grind us to a halt. Remove our zeal. To cause us to be “children in the marketplace” who are unmoved by an enthusiastic invitation to joy or a sincere request to share a sadness (Lk. 7:37!). To make us so “even-keel” that we are virtually unmovable and unmotivated.

Kingdom living is a life of passion. A yearning hunger and thirst for God and His Kingdom ways… and His will. It is unashamed to dance the dance of David (2Sam. 6:14) or weep along with the Master (Jn. 11:35). It is a passion to live our lives touched by life’s joys and/or infirmities – and to bring the essence and present reality of the King and His Kingdom wherever there is need.

A hunger and thirst for righteousness – just as our Master showed us. The only hunger and thirst that can be truly satisfied.

This passion is already within us, because of our connection with the LifeGiver Himself. All because we commonly share in His Own nature (2Pt. 1:4) – as a gracious Gift to those who receive the Savior, and what He has done.

Living life to be satisfied with, and in, God Himself – blessed in our deep hunger and thirst for Him, His Kingdom rule, His thoughts, and His ways.

About theheartseeker

I have spent years studying the Scriptures and seeking for God's answer to the question: What IS true Christianity? Let me share some answers with you...
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