The Beatitudes: The Peacemakers

“Whoever Believes…” p. 119

The world in which we live is so adept at bringing chaos, anxiety, fear and unrest into our lives. This is why peace is so prominently pursued – to live above or beyond the turmoil and dread that can so quickly overwhelm us.

At the Heart of God is perfect peace. Jesus came to show us what that peace could bring into our lives.

It is important to note that peace is not the absence of distress or upheaval – it is the ability to be “at rest” when the storms of life rage all around us.

The perfect illustration of this peace in the midst of the storm is seen in Mark’s account of Jesus after a long day of ministry. In Mark 4, we read that Jesus and the disciples got into a boat to head to the other side of the Sea of Galilee – but during their journey a terrible storm arose bringing terror to the hearts of the disciples (many of whom were experienced seamen). But Jesus was asleep in the bow of the boat – fully at rest, even with peril raging all around Him. How is it even possible to remain totally at rest with such chaos raging all around? Jesus’ response to His disciples’ captivating fear (after He rose and calmed the storm) tells us the source of Jesus’ peace: “’Why are you so afraid?’ He asked. ‘Do you still have no faith?’”(Mk. 4:40) The source of Jesus’ all-encompassing rest, even in the midst of deadly peril, was His confidence in His Father, and His Father’s care. Jesus’ trust in the Father was consummate, unyielding, and complete. It was a confidence that was undeterred by circumstances – even if those circumstances threatened to end one’s life.

Jesus was at peace. He lived in peace – and the peace He possessed enabled Him to bring that peace into all the unrest and turmoil He faced daily. His very Presence made for peace – and those around Him, mired in their personal storms, could sense His peace whenever He walked into a room.

Biblical peace is the fruit of confidence in the King, and in the ways and thoughts of His Kingdom. All Kingdom dwellers are to live life as reservoirs of peace – bringing that peace to every situation where confusion, chaos, and concern are raging in people’s lives.

Peacemakers are not peacekeepers who are just trying to keep the peace. Peacemakers enter situations of unrest and, just by being there, bring a confidence in God’s presence and His ability to bring calm to any storm of life.

Jesus has equipped all Kingdom dwellers with this same confidence He possessed when with us. But to be peacemakers we must BE at peace within. We must know our place in God, and our constant access to His unlimited care.

About theheartseeker

I have spent years studying the Scriptures and seeking for God's answer to the question: What IS true Christianity? Let me share some answers with you...
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