The Beatitudes: The Merciful

“Whoever Believes…” p. 117

At the very center of God’s love for all humanity is His mercy. When we really understand mercy, we see it as the ability to set aside personal rights and to make the choice not to exact justice for a wrong done. All humanity has deeply offended the King of the Universe – and He would have every right, as the offended Party, to dole out justice on each and every offender.

But His utmost desire is not to be avenged for wrongs done, but to restore relationships with those guilty of offense. God’s sincere motivation is not to make things right as much as it is to make us right with Him. We deserve wrath and vengeance from a holy God – but, instead, God seeks to give us mercy.

This is what we saw on constant display through Jesus. The most obvious example is the account of the woman caught in adultery (Jn. 8:2-11).

The religious leaders who brought her before Jesus desired to exact the legal punishment for her sin (death by stoning!) – but stopped by to test Jesus on His commitment to the laws of God in dealing with offending sinners.

Jesus’ solution was to allow those who have never offended God to be the ones to carry out God’s justice. Only the guiltless can ever rightly judge, and condemn, the guilty. As we know, one by one all her accusers departed – leaving her in her tears at the feet of Jesus.

She was guilty of a terrible sin against God, and God Himself was standing in front of her. But the following record speaks volumes as to the Heart of God: Has no one condemned you?”

“No one, Lord,” she answered.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Now go and sin no more.”

Mercy. In the light of obvious offense. Mercy. Though judgment was earned. Mercy. Even when judgment and justice would be the “lawful” thing to do.

Mercy. The Heart of God surprisingly, and indelibly, revealed.

As Jesus did, so we are called, and equipped, to do. BE merciful. Constantly showing mercy. Even when you have been personally wronged or offended.

Because mercy always reveals the deeper Heart of God – and the depth of the riches of the love that defines His nature.

Justice does have it’s place. Vengeance will have it’s time (Ro. 12:19; Hb. 10:30). But Jesus came as the Agent and Regent of God’s incomparable mercy.

And to impart that nature and character into His Kingdom children. Knowing that as we give mercy, we shall be the recipients of mercy – from the King of the Universe Who came to purchase us to be His Own.

About theheartseeker

I have spent years studying the Scriptures and seeking for God's answer to the question: What IS true Christianity? Let me share some answers with you...
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